top ten tuesday

My Anticipated Releases of 2017



Top Ten Tuesday is an absolutely wonderful bookish tag which involves making lists(!) of books(!), and is hosted by fabulous blog The Broke and the Bookish.

Unsurprisingly, I am in love with this topic. (And I already know it’s going to lead me to adding plenty of books to my tbr once I start visiting other blogs). And let’s be honest, there are so many exciting books coming out so there was no way I was going with only ten. So there is a slight risk of your tbr exploding if you read on. But hey, don’t blame me!



  • Ash and Quill // I always forget how much I love this series until a new book comes out, and then I get excited about libraries and friendship all over again
  • The Library of Fates // So it’s about Indian folkore, so hopefully it’ll be fantastic (even though I’m not a massive fan of the cover…)
  • Lucky in Love // Kasie West writes the cutest contemporary books, and this one looks lovely
  • Alex, Approximately // Again, another summery contemporary book which looks like so much fun
  • The Build-Up Season // The synopsis is already kind of heart-breaking… 



a.k.a the month I go broke

  • Tower of Dawn // I’m not sure I even want an entire book about Chaol (also it’ll ruin the pattern of Aelin and her pretty dresses on the covers), but….. I’m curious
  • Even The Darkest Stars // It’s about explorers and climbing and maps, which I’m pretty sure is the book I never knew I needed
  • They Both Die At The End // Is it possible to be in love with a title? Because this one is fantastic.
  • Girls Made Of Snow And Glass // I cannot resist a fairytale retelling, and this Snow White retelling sounds so good
  • Things A Bright Girl Can Do // SUFFRAGETTES!! Also historical fiction!! And it has no cover yet! But it sounds like it could be one of my favourites this year!
  • Jane, Unlimited // I was a big fan of Kristin Cashore’s Graceling, and although this looks entirely different, I’m still really excited
  • Before She Ignites // A fantasy book about (a) mental health, and (b) dragons – give it to me now!
  • Starfish // Another contemporary, but this one has a half-Japanese, half-American protaganist who suffers from social anxiety
  • The Language of Thorns // Why hello again, Leigh Bardugo!
  • There’s Someone Inside Your House // Firstly, that title is super creepy, and secondly, I don’t think this is going to be anything like Anna and the French Kiss



Based on this list, I’ll have no money by the end of the summer – but that’s just typical bookworm problems, right? And also I need some December recommendations! I don’t seem to have any on my wishlist, so which December books are you looking forward to? Let me know in the comments!

What’s your most anticipated read of 2017? 

23 thoughts on “My Anticipated Releases of 2017

    1. Don’t worry, I totally forgot it was coming out too until I started browsing goodreads! I can’t wait to read it 😀

    1. Haha, I definitely recommend keeping track of a few of them – they look so good!

    1. I know, right? Hopefully there’ll be a really interesting sibling relationship!

    1. I think That Inevitable Victorian Thing has the potential to be SO good – I can’t wait for it to be released!

    1. Yeah, I’m curious to see what her writing’s like when she’s not writing contemporary! I have feeling that the book might really freak me out though….

    1. Usually I wouldn’t go anywhere near a horror book, but I’m thinking that I’ll have to make an exception for Stephanie Perkins!

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